(703) 629-3933 Maria@YouFlyGal.com

Welcome To "You Fly Gal" Scholarships

"Flying is My Passion , Inspiration is My Mission" - Maria Harrison


Female pilots still account for only 7% of the US pilot population, despite decades of attempts to fix the problem.

The purpose of this organization is to encourage young girls and women of all ages to open their hearts and minds to their full potential and help their dreams take flight. To support that mission through a scholarship fund, which awards scholarships to women of all ages through membership in The 99s International Organization of Women Pilots.

I’m incredibly honored and grateful to be a recipient of The 99s

Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Spring 2019 FlyNow Award.

Getting my Private Pilots License has been a dream for decades.

It finally “took wings” last year at the age of 68. Yes, I’m a “late bloomer”, but then Age is just a number.

Flying IS my Passion, Inspiration IS my Mission.

My goal is to lead by example, sharing my story, while being a “loud” voice to inspire young girls and women of ALL ages, to follow their dream of Flight.

Thus, I’ve decided to establish You Fly Gal and “give back” through scholarships aimed at student pilots, their sense of community and their continued training and education in aviation.


An Interview with Maria Harrison

  on  how she has “slipped the surly bonds of 

earth and danced the skies on laughter-silvered  wings“.

Each “You Fly Gal” Scholarship recipient will receive:

  • First-year Student Pilot Membership in The 99s.

  • Initial donation to their local 99s Chapter.

  • Choice of courses that will most benefit the winner at this point in their piloting journey.

Pilot Workshop’s “Private Pilot – The Missing Lessons” course.


Upon successful completion of their Private Pilot (or higher) Check-Ride, “You Fly Gal” Scholarship recipients will also receive a custom embroidered Flight Outfitters  “Lift Flight Bag” in recognition of their accomplishment.



Each year, a total of 20 scholarships will be


  • Ten in May – Closing date for nominations is April 15th.

  • Ten in November – Closing date is October 15th.


The requirements are:

1) Be a woman or girl* with a valid FAA Student Pilot Certificate

2) Have a current FAA medical certificate

3) Be NOMINATED by your primary CFI, a current member of

    The 99s or your Aviation Advisor / Mentor

*Nominations of anyone under 18 must be submitted only via email by the nominee’s parent or guardian with the nomination attached. email: support@YouFlyGal.orgClick HERE to Download the Nomination Form


"You Fly Gal" Nomination...

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